Go to any real estate portal and try to contact listing which is not posted by user but the website. You will find these listing easily by clicking on real estate companies’ profile where the portal website mentions about developer and/or project. You will have no contact information about the builder or project. You will be directed to website itself. This is clear indication that the websites/portals are collecting user’s data. And if they are not selling or using it for their own brokerage business than why are they collecting the information.
If your company is listed in one of these websites just try to remember how many times you were contacted by these website that they receive any enquiry for your project or about your company.
Posting your business or listing in a website those work as mediator is always risky for you; chances are very high that they sell your data to your competitors in exchange of their sponsorship package where they assure a number of leads if you buy a specific advertisement package. Don’t be happy for free advertisement where so many web portals list your company to drive more traffic and generate keyword. These free listing might cause; lose your valuable leads.
Above information is basic market observation a user must verify things before believing them. We are not putting allegation to any website or portal. The above statement is only to justify how we are India’s first and only B2C If a listing is posted by user in our portal than they may collect data by posting other projects.
Rezdex ask for undertaking before posting it in our portal but if builder find anyone who is not authorized to their property is selling or offering in the market they must report it with us. If you find your posting in other portals you decide what is best for you. Stealing leads through digital medium is very common practice from years.
When a developer feels that his product is advertised by other portals and other users free of cost and giving him publicity. But any traffic which is generated not into your website or other websites where you don’t have control on the users what they are looking for is actually diverting leads to some other projects or different businesses.
A clean example to follow: you are listed in a leading portal from 5 years. That portal is also giving option to contact builder or generate inquiry to the user who is interested. And you receive no contact from the builder. Many question many answers.
With rezdex.com you can assure yourself that we do not control any communication between user and the company if posted by us in our portal. If you find your property is posted by other users those are not authorized by you than please write to us with full credentials and we will support you not to lose your valuable leads
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